green matter logo with stripe Orosound


Legal notice

Orosound is a French Société par Actions Simplifiée with a capital of €22.445, identified at the Commercial and Companies Registry under the number 811 315 829 RCS Paris.
Registered office: 84 bis quai du Petit Parc, 94100 Saint-Maur-des-Fosses, France
SIRET number: 811 315 829 00028
VAT number: FR25811315829



Orosound website is hosted by GANDI SAS, Société par Actions Simplifiée with a capital of over €800.000, identified at the Commercial and Companies Registry under the number 423 093 459 RCS Paris.
Registered office: 63-65 boulevard Massena à Paris (75013) FRANCE
VAT number: FR25811315829
Telephone: +33.(0) 1